After everything we went through with Snickers we had every intention of waiting at least a month before we adopted again, but then Freya's picture got shared through facebook the next day and we fell in love. Now there is a little more to the story.
We had been talking about what kind of dog we wanted to adopt when it was time to adopt again, and we had settled on adopting another Bully breed because of how chill and sweet Nico is. One of our friends is fostering a puppy for Bully Paws named Skittles and Scott had mentioned the idea of adopting her if she hadn't been adopted yet when we were ready. But I just didn't get that feeling with her that I got from Nico and I wanted that feeling again. That and for reasons that might only make sense to my brain, I did not want another dog named after a candy. This was a discussion we had on the day we put Snickers to sleep. The next day Freya's picture got shared on facebook, and I told Scott I had that feeling that I got when we first saw Nico's picture. His response was "there are no coincidences" and that is a phrase (or at least an idea- I'm not 100% anymore) that I am pretty sure is repeated in a book I had recently read that is a modern take on Norse Mythology (I can't be 100% sure because I've read A LOT of books recently). Add on the knowledge that Freya is a Norse Goddess who, among other things, presides over death, and we were saying "Ok universe, we get it". The next weekend we met her, without Nico, went home and sent in the adoption application.
Now, this has not been an easy process. Poor Freya has some health issues that need to be taken care of before she can officially be adopted. She was spayed and had a benign mass removed from her leg. Those incisions are still healing. Then last week something happened to her leg, and now that has to heal with a possible ACL surgery in her future. However, it is much better for her to heal in a loving home than in a shelter, so until she is cleared for adoption, we are fostering her! We are absolutely in love.
Now for her and Nico, we can honestly say it has not been love at first sight. Nico has been the only dog for three weeks, and before that Snickers was a loner so he has to learn to share his people. This is a slow process since Freya is on crate rest for at least another week and a half. There have been tense moments with both Freya and Nico growling at each other. We're hoping once Nico learns that she isn't going anywhere he will adjust. He NEVER growled at Snickers, but she was here first so that might have something to do with this too. We largely suspect the few growlies are because of jealousy but we have complete faith that Nico will adjust. While there have been some growlies, there have also been licks through the crate and Freya barking and wagging her tail at Nico clearly wanting to play even though she can't put weight on one of her legs. So while the first couple days have had their tense moments, it has only been a couple days and it might take two or more weeks for them to truly adjust.
Now for her and Nico, we can honestly say it has not been love at first sight. Nico has been the only dog for three weeks, and before that Snickers was a loner so he has to learn to share his people. This is a slow process since Freya is on crate rest for at least another week and a half. There have been tense moments with both Freya and Nico growling at each other. We're hoping once Nico learns that she isn't going anywhere he will adjust. He NEVER growled at Snickers, but she was here first so that might have something to do with this too. We largely suspect the few growlies are because of jealousy but we have complete faith that Nico will adjust. While there have been some growlies, there have also been licks through the crate and Freya barking and wagging her tail at Nico clearly wanting to play even though she can't put weight on one of her legs. So while the first couple days have had their tense moments, it has only been a couple days and it might take two or more weeks for them to truly adjust.
So we have a new family member and we will continue to post updates about her and Nico as we have them :-)
Welcome home, Freya! :) <3