
Friday, September 14, 2012

May your hands always have work for you to do.....

Pictures in the Living Room! (Some of them)

We really are almost done unpacking our boxes! We have a box of coats left, and we have a box of "study" stuff that is open, I just have to suck it up and finish unpacking it all. We've also gotten almost everything hung up! The only things left are my degrees and a painting a friend's brother made me of a UMW building, but I think that needs to be reframed since I think the frame is broken.

As you can tell. We have a lot of pictures and wall hanging things! Everything got hung up upstairs since downstairs isn't finished and I just don't see the point of hanging stuff up in rooms we don't use yet.

I LOVE this picture. It's a signed
print that Mom and Dad got me for my birthday
this year. LOVE IT.

I've also started moving on from working just on the stuff on the inside of the house, to also working on the outside. Yesterday, I spent a couple hours outside working on weeding the front flower bed and pulling up the damaged boundary markers. It's not the best weeding job ever, but since I didn't have any gardening tools, just a rock, I'm happy with how it turned out. I'll be putting newspaper down around the plants underneath the mulch once we get to that point to help with weed control. The only issue is that I got eaten alive by mosquitoes which gardening. My legs are COVERED in bites and I'm trying very hard not to scratch. But still PROGRESS! I'm hoping tomorrow to be able to gather up all the fallen branches and stack them in the backyard to turn into mulch in the coming weeks (since we don't have a fire place) and rake up the leaves in the front yard that are remaining from last year (I'm guessing here).  I also need to pull up the ugly damaged garden barriers on the other side of the front steps, but there really aren't any weeds in that flower bed so it will be a lot faster. Although I was reminded that I HATE DANDELIONS! They are one of the hardest weeds to pull up. RAWRG. We also have to try to clean up the side of the house, and we really need to clean the gutters but neither one of us particularly likes ladders, but it has to be done. That's all for now as far as house updates! Hope to have more soon! :-D

Weeded front flower bed

~)O(~ Elfie ~)O(

Sunday, September 2, 2012

We have a house!

It's official, we have a house! Ok, well, we've had the house since 9:45 am on Thursday, August 30th. BUT I'm just now getting a chance to post about it.

It's our house! We've got work to do on it, but it is ours. There will be a more in-depth update about our house later on, with more pictures, when I can find the camera cord and when I'm not quite so exhausted.