
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Evelyn Leveled up!

Woohoo! Today Evelyn Leia is 2 Months old! Wow time is certainly flying, she has her appointment on Friday to get her 2 month shots (ahhh!). We've had 2 additional doctor's visits due to Mommy freaking out. First time was because she was wailing often and tugging at her ear- so of course I went "oh no! ear infection!". It wasn't. Apparently Evelyn has some reflux issues- so she got put on medicine for that. The next week she had something draining out of her ear, and again I worried about an ear infection- but apparently her bath just managed to make some ear wax super liquidy and it drained out. But we'd rather be cautious and take her early then have her screaming her head off and not be able to see our doctor because of the time of day.

We'll know more development wise on Friday, but as of last week Evelyn is at 10 lbs 14 oz and the nurse measured her at 22 inches long- but when we measured her over the weekend we got 23 inches. So she's somewhere in there. Her 0-3 month sleepers are starting to get a little snug length wise- but the rest of her 0-3 still fit except a couple pairs of pants that are snug. We'd like her to make it a little longer before needing to up her clothing size! 

Movement and mobility wise- she has amazing neck strength. So much so that the nurse and the pediatrician commented on it last week and were thoroughly impressed. She has rolled over off of a prop pillow a few times, and has made it about halfway a couple times before getting stuck and frustrated. If we help her into a seated position she can hold herself there for about 10-15 seconds before she falls over. She enjoys doing the exercise videos with me, and really enjoys being Supergirl. She has also learned that if she is on the floor she can scoot herself around- usually it ends up just being in a circle but she has a lot of fun with it! 

Evelyn is also smiling more often and has started mimicking faces- we've gotten her to stick her tongue out a couple of times now. She is also starting to figure out the giggling sound. While she still cries a good amount (she's a baby after all) she is also extremely talkative and likes chatting with us. 

Other things she enjoys are: being read and sung to, bouncing, and bathtime as long as she's in the water- she does not like being taken out of it though! 

The dogs are also adjusting well. Nico is starting to show more interest in her and Freya still adores her and wants to be as close as possible. Freya REALLY likes to lick Evelyn and we're continually telling her not to- but as Freya likes to lick everything we're not really surprised by this. 

We're constantly amazed by Evelyn and can't wait to see what this next month will bring!